Sunday, October 21, 2012


Our company was founded in October, so we take Halloween quite seriously. This year we had plenty of new items, monsters and challenges released over two updates. I love Halloween and the horror genre so it's always fun to draw spooky things; and since I also love mythology, I was extra excited that the programmers decided to focus on an ancient Egyptian theme this year.


  1. Hello, Ryan.
    I must thank you enormously for your great input in my favourite game. I've noticed that new, recent Monsters (Stone Minotaur, Priestess, Mummies) are absolutely superb in terms of art in comparison with previously existing Monsters. Sadly, some of your works are suffering from low resolution restriction of the game. Your Shadow Knight Scalemail looks so indistinguishable and plain in game, just like few purple scales, and only here we can see it actually consist of those ghost/skull-like parts.
    I hope that every PK Monster will be redesigned in HD someday (maybe with announced for 2013 5th Age, who knows? Mobile devices keeps getting better and more HD-capable) and you will put your hands and brush on each creature of "Parallel Kingdom".
    Amazing work, keep it coming!

    1. Sorry this is late, I just noticed I forgot to respond! Thank you so much, and I'm really glad you love the game. You are right, the shadow knight didn't translate as well as I was hoping. I sometimes wish I had more pixels to work with. There is always a bit of tension between wanting to make unique designs and making something simple enough to translate to game size. Sometimes my ideas are a bit too ambitious. :)

      Thanks again, and keep playing. I hope you like what we have in store for the future...


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