Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Whole lot of new enemies including "deathsoars" (these are like corrupted Valkyries), nagas, and large Centurion and Cerberus bosses, for the new Twisted Prison dungeon in Parallel Kingdom.

Monday, July 15, 2013


We held a voting contest in the Parallel Kingdom forum, players came up with fun ideas for new items, and the community's favorites were added to the game across a couple updates.

For comparison, here is the original art for the mushroom house created by a talented fan, who goes by the name {M•A•S}Dimples. Great job Dimples, and thanks for the collaboration! It was a very fun design and I tried to be as faithful as I could while bringing it into the PK universe. :)

Sunday, July 14, 2013


I went to TAM this year! The Amaz!ng Meeting is an annual skeptics conference sponsored by the James Randi Educational Foundation. What's a skeptic you ask? The short version is that we are concerned with promoting evidence-based, rational thinking. I won't get too much into that here, but suffice it to say, I had an absolutely fantastic time; met lots of wonderful people; listened to some great, thought-provoking talks and panels; and had a blast with the entertainment. The energy throughout the week was positive and friendly and I left with a very strong sense of pride and optimism. Newsweek had what I think is a fairly accurate write-up of the event, for those interested.

This trip was a big deal for me in two ways, it was very much business and pleasure. T-shirts I had designed were on sale at the JREF table, and I had worked on the graphic design for two of their new free educational modules for students and teachers (Pareidolia and Power Balance).

The Skeptic Ink blog network was there with materials carrying the logo I designed for them (pictured here with an interesting little souvenir I bought: a chunk of ulexite, a mineral that naturally behaves like optic fibers).

I also met many great people in person whom I had, until then, only known on-line; as well as all new friends and connections. In between official events we would meet in one of the hotel's lounges for drinks, chats and Cards Against Humanity.

I am so very thankful to have gotten to work with the JREF, and to have had the pleasure of meeting all of these fine folks. I'll treasure these memories, and here's to making more at future TAM's!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013