Saturday, July 16, 2011

TAM 2011: Team Randi T-Shirt Designs

My t-shirt designs for TAM are currently in some sort of physical proximity to some incredibly smart and amazing people I respect a lot and that sort of makes me want to freak out a little.


I thought I would include this great footage of The Amazing Randi exposing frauds to the public on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. Makes me proud to have gotten to work with his organization.


Photos are coming in from TAM, being shared on facebook. I'm so proud that I got to be a part of it!! I got these from the public photo album of Fred Bremmer.

Also, here is a blog accusing my design of contributing to a James Randi-worshiping personality cult as fanatical as any religion. How cool is that?? :P


  1. I want one soo bad! Where do I by one?

  2. Cool to see other people scrambling to find where to buy this shirt. I take it they also caught a glimpse in the James Van Pragh Won't Talk To The Dead video, heh.

    Anyway, yeah, I'd love to buy one too.

  3. Okay, I got an answer back. The shirts were printed in a limited run for TAM and are not available. Sorry! I hope they will set up a store or something in the future.


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